Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

1 Crônicas 7:11 Todos esses descendentes de Jediael eram chefes de famílias que contavam com 17.200 homens de combate prontos para a guerra.

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

1 Crônicas 7:11 Todos estes filhos de Jediael, segundo os chefes das casas paternas, homens valentes, foram dezessete mil e duzentos, que podiam sair no exército � peleja.

English Standard Version ESV

1 Chronicles 7:11 All these were the sons of Jediael according to the heads of their fathers' houses, mighty warriors, 17,200, able to go to war.

King James Version KJV

1 Chronicles 7:11 All these the sons of Jediael, by the heads of their fathers, mighty men of valour, were seventeen* thousand and two hundred soldiers, fit to go out for war and battle.

New King James Version NKJV

1 Chronicles 7:11 All these sons of Jediael were heads of their fathers' houses; there were seventeen thousand two hundred mighty men of valor fit to go out for war and battle.