Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

1 Reis 8:54 Quando Salomão terminou a oração e a súplica ao SENHOR, levantou-se diante do altar do SENHOR, onde tinha se ajoelhado e estendido as mãos para o céu.

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

1 Reis 8:54 Sucedeu pois que, acabando Salomão de fazer ao Senhor esta oração e esta súplica, estando de joelhos e com as mãos estendidas para o céu, se levantou de diante do altar do Senhor,

English Standard Version ESV

1 Kings 8:54 Now as Solomon finished offering all this prayer and plea to the LORD, he arose from before the altar of the LORD, where he had knelt with hands outstretched toward heaven.

King James Version KJV

1 Kings 8:54 And it was so, that when Solomon had made an end of praying all this prayer and supplication unto the LORD, he arose from before the altar of the LORD, from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread up to heaven.

New King James Version NKJV

1 Kings 8:54 And so it was, when Solomon had finished praying all this prayer and supplication to the Lord, that he arose from before the altar of the Lord, from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread up to heaven.