Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

1 Samuel 15:3 Agora vão, ataquem os amalequitas e consagrem ao SENHOR para destruição tudo o que lhes pertence. Não os poupem; matem homens, mulheres, crianças, recém-nascidos, bois, ovelhas, camelos e jumentos’.”

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

1 Samuel 15:3 Vai, pois, agora e fere a Amaleque, e o destrói totalmente com tudo o que tiver; não o poupes, porém matarás homens e mulheres, meninos e crianças de peito, bois e ovelhas, camelos e jumentos.

English Standard Version ESV

1 Samuel 15:3 Now go and strike Amalek and 1devote to destructiona all that they have. Do not spare them, 2but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.'"

King James Version KJV

1 Samuel 15:3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

New King James Version NKJV

1 Samuel 15:3 Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them. But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.' "