2 Crônicas 6:25
ouve dos céus e perdoa o pecado de Israel, o teu povo, e traze-o de volta à terra que deste a ele e aos seus antepassados.
Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA
2 Crônicas 6:25
ouve então do céu, e perdoa os pecados do teu povo Israel, e torna a levá-los para a terra que lhes deste a eles e a seus pais.
English Standard Version ESV
2 Chronicles 6:251then hear from heaven and forgive the sin of your people Israel and bring them again to the land that you gave to them and to their fathers.
2 Chronicles 6:25
then hear from heaven and forgive the sin of Your people Israel, and bring them back to the land which You gave to them and their fathers.