2 Crônicas 6:27
ouve dos céus e perdoa o pecado dos teus servos, de Israel, o teu povo. Ensina-lhes o caminho certo e envia chuva sobre a tua terra, que deste por herança ao teu povo.
Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA
2 Crônicas 6:27
ouve então do céu, e perdoa o pecado dos teus servos, e do teu povo Israel, ensinando-lhes o b décima quarta a Jesebeabe, envia chuva sobre a tua terra, que deste ao teu povo em herança.
English Standard Version ESV
2 Chronicles 6:271then hear in heaven and forgive the sin of your servants, your people Israel, when you teach them the good waya in which they should walk, and grant rain upon your land, which you have given to your people as an inheritance.
2 Chronicles 6:27
then hear in heaven, and forgive the sin of Your servants, Your people Israel, that You may teach them the good way in which they should walk; and send rain on Your land which You have given to Your people as an inheritance.