Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

2 Reis 17:11 Em todos os altares idólatras queimavam incenso, como faziam as nações que o SENHOR havia expulsado de diante deles. Fizeram males que provocaram o SENHOR à ira.

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

2 Reis 17:11 queimaram incenso em todos os altos, como as nações que o Senhor expulsara de diante deles; cometeram ações iníquas, provocando � ira o Senhor,

English Standard Version ESV

2 Kings 17:11 and there they made offerings on all the high places, as the nations did whom the LORD carried away before them. And they did wicked things, provoking the LORD to anger,

King James Version KJV

2 Kings 17:11 And there they burnt incense in all the high places, as did the heathen whom the LORD carried away before them; and wrought wicked things to provoke the LORD to anger:

New King James Version NKJV

2 Kings 17:11 There they burned incense on all the high places, like the nations whom the Lord had carried away before them; and they did wicked things to provoke the Lord to anger,