Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

Êxodo 8:13 E o SENHOR atendeu o pedido de Moisés; morreram as rãs que estavam nas casas, nos pátios e nos campos.

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

Êxodo 8:13 O Senhor, pois, fez conforme a palavra de Moisés; e as rãs morreram nas casas, nos pátios, e nos campos.

English Standard Version ESV

Exodus 8:13 And the LORD did according to the word of Moses. The frogs died out in the houses, the courtyards, and the fields.

King James Version KJV

Exodus 8:13 And the LORD did according to the word of Moses; and the frogs died out of the houses, out of the villages, and out of the fields.

New King James Version NKJV

Exodus 8:13 So the Lord did according to the word of Moses. And the frogs died out of the houses, out of the courtyards, and out of the fields.