Jeremias 31:19
De fato, depois de desviar-me,eu me arrependi;depois que entendi, bati no meu peito.Estou envergonhado e humilhadoporque trago sobre mima desgraça da minha juventude’.
Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA
Jeremias 31:19
Na verdade depois que me desviei, arrependi-me; e depois que fui instruído, bati na minha coxa; fiquei confundido e envergonhado, porque suportei o opróbrio da minha mocidade.
English Standard Version ESV
Jeremiah 31:19
For after 1I had turned away, I relented, and after I was instructed, 2I struck my thigh; 3I was ashamed, and I was confounded, because I bore the disgrace of my youth.'
Jeremiah 31:19
Surely, after my turning, I repented; And after I was instructed, I struck myself on the thigh; I was ashamed, yes, even humiliated, Because I bore the reproach of my youth.'