21 But after long abstinence from food, then Paul stood in the midst of them and said, "Men, you should have listened to me, and not have sailed from Crete and incurred this disaster and loss.
22 And now I urge you to take heart, for there will be no loss of life among you, but only of the ship.
23 For there stood by me this night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve,
24 saying, 'Do not be afraid, Paul; you must be brought before Caesar; and indeed God has granted you all those who sail with you.'
25 Therefore take heart, men, for I believe God that it will be just as it was told me.
26 However, we must run aground on a certain island."
27 Now when the fourteenth night had come, as we were driven up and down in the Adriatic Sea, about midnight the sailors sensed that they were drawing near some land.
28 And they took soundings and found it to be twenty fathoms; and when they had gone a little farther, they took soundings again and found it to be fifteen fathoms.
29 Then, fearing lest we should run aground on the rocks, they dropped four anchors from the stern, and prayed for day to come.
30 And as the sailors were seeking to escape from the ship, when they had let down the skiff into the sea, under pretense of putting out anchors from the prow,
31 Paul said to the centurion and the soldiers, "Unless these men stay in the ship, you cannot be saved."

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

Atos 27:21 Havendo eles estado muito tempo sem comer, Paulo, pondo-se em pé no meio deles, disse: Senhores, devíeis ter-me ouvido e não ter partido de Creta, para evitar esta avaria e perda.

English Standard Version ESV

Acts 27:21 Since they had been without food for a long time, Paul stood up among them and said, "Men, you should have listened to me and not have set sail from Crete and incurred this injury and loss.

King James Version KJV

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

Atos 27:21 Visto que os homens tinham passado muito tempo sem comer, Paulo levantou-se diante deles e disse: “Os senhores deviam ter aceitado o meu conselho de não partir de Creta, pois assim teriam evitado este dano e prejuízo.