15 "You shall make the breastplate of judgment. Artistically woven according to the workmanship of the ephod you shall make it: of gold, blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and fine woven linen, you shall make it.
16 It shall be doubled into a square: a span shall be its length, and a span shall be its width.
17 And you shall put settings of stones in it, four rows of stones: The first row shall be a sardius, a topaz, and an emerald; this shall be the first row;
18 the second row shall be a turquoise, a sapphire, and a diamond;
19 the third row, a jacinth, an agate, and an amethyst;
20 and the fourth row, a beryl, an onyx, and a jasper. They shall be set in gold settings.
21 And the stones shall have the names of the sons of Israel, twelve according to their names, like the engravings of a signet, each one with its own name; they shall be according to the twelve tribes.
22 "You shall make chains for the breastplate at the end, like braided cords of pure gold.
23 And you shall make two rings of gold for the breastplate, and put the two rings on the two ends of the breastplate.
24 Then you shall put the two braided chains of gold in the two rings which are on the ends of the breastplate;
25 and the other two ends of the two braided chains you shall fasten to the two settings, and put them on the shoulder straps of the ephod in the front.

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

Êxodo 28:15 Farás também o peitoral do juízo, obra de artífice; conforme a obra do éfode o farás; de ouro, de azul, de púrpura, de carmesim, e de linho fino torcido o farás.

English Standard Version ESV

Exodus 28:15 1"You shall make a breastpiece of judgment, in skilled work. In the style of the ephod you shall make it--of gold, blue and purple and scarlet yarns, and fine twined linen shall you make it.

King James Version KJV

Exodus 28:15 And thou shalt make the breastplate of judgment with cunning work; after the work of the ephod thou shalt make it; of gold, of blue, and of purple, and of scarlet*, and of fine twined linen, shalt thou make it.

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

Êxodo 28:15 “Faça um peitoral de decisões—trabalho artesanal. Faça-o como o colete sacerdotal: de linho fino trançado, de fios de ouro e de fios de tecidos azul, roxo e vermelho.