11 that the house of Israel may no longer stray from Me, nor be profaned anymore with all their transgressions, but that they may be My people and I may be their God," says the Lord God.' "
12 The word of the Lord came again to me, saying:
13 "Son of man, when a land sins against Me by persistent unfaithfulness, I will stretch out My hand against it; I will cut off its supply of bread, send famine on it, and cut off man and beast from it.
14 Even if these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness," says the Lord God.
15 "If I cause wild beasts to pass through the land, and they empty it, and make it so desolate that no man may pass through because of the beasts,
16 even though these three men were in it, as I live," says the Lord God, "they would deliver neither sons nor daughters; only they would be delivered, and the land would be desolate.
17 "Or if I bring a sword on that land, and say, 'Sword, go through the land,' and I cut off man and beast from it,
18 even though these three men were in it, as I live," says the Lord God, "they would deliver neither sons nor daughters, but only they themselves would be delivered.
19 "Or if I send a pestilence into that land and pour out My fury on it in blood, and cut off from it man and beast,
20 even though Noah, Daniel, and Job were in it, as I live," says the Lord God, "they would deliver neither son nor daughter; they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness."
21 For thus says the Lord God: "How much more it shall be when I send My four severe judgments on Jerusalem--the sword and famine and wild beasts and pestilence--to cut off man and beast from it?

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

Ezequiel 14:11 para que a casa de Israel não se desvie mais de mim, nem mais se contamine com todas as suas transgressões; mas que sejam eles o meu povo, e seja eu o seu Deus, diz o Senhor Deus.

English Standard Version ESV

Ezekiel 14:11 that the house of Israel may no more go astray from me, nor defile themselves anymore with all their transgressions, but that they may be my people and I may be their God, declares the Lord GOD."

King James Version KJV

Ezekiel 14:11 That the house of Israel may go no more astray from me, neither be polluted any more with all their transgressions; but that they may be my people, and I may be their God, saith the Lord GOD.

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

Ezequiel 14:11 Isso para que a nação de Israel não se desvie mais de mim nem mais se contamine com todos os seus pecados. Serão o meu povo, e eu serei o seu Deus. Palavra do Soberano, o SENHOR”.