3 And utter a parable to the rebellious house, and say to them, 'Thus says the Lord God: "Put on a pot, set it on, And also pour water into it.
4 Gather pieces of meat in it, Every good piece, The thigh and the shoulder. Fill it with choice cuts;
5 Take the choice of the flock. Also pile fuel bones under it, Make it boil well, And let the cuts simmer in it."
6 'Therefore thus says the Lord God: "Woe to the bloody city, To the pot whose scum is in it, And whose scum is not gone from it! Bring it out piece by piece, On which no lot has fallen.
7 For her blood is in her midst; She set it on top of a rock; She did not pour it on the ground, To cover it with dust.
8 That it may raise up fury and take vengeance, I have set her blood on top of a rock, That it may not be covered."
9 'Therefore thus says the Lord God: "Woe to the bloody city! I too will make the pyre great.
10 Heap on the wood, Kindle the fire; Cook the meat well, Mix in the spices, And let the cuts be burned up.
11 "Then set the pot empty on the coals, That it may become hot and its bronze may burn, That its filthiness may be melted in it, That its scum may be consumed.
12 She has grown weary with lies, And her great scum has not gone from her. Let her scum be in the fire!
13 In your filthiness is lewdness. Because I have cleansed you, and you were not cleansed, You will not be cleansed of your filthiness anymore, Till I have caused My fury to rest upon you.

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

Ezequiel 24:3 E propùe � casa rebelde uma alegoria, e dize-lhe: Assim diz o Senhor Deus: Põe a caldeira ao lume, põe-na, e deita-lhe água dentro;

English Standard Version ESV

Ezekiel 24:3 And utter a parable to the rebellious house and say to them, Thus says the Lord GOD: "Set on the pot, set it on; pour in water also;

King James Version KJV

Ezekiel 24:3 And utter a parable unto the rebellious house, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Set on a pot, set it on, and also pour water into it:

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

Ezequiel 24:3 Conte a esta nação rebelde uma parábola e diga-lhes: Assim diz o Soberano, o SENHOR:“Ponha a panela para esquentar;ponha-a para esquentar com água.