12 Then Ebed-Melech the Ethiopian said to Jeremiah, "Please put these old clothes and rags under your armpits, under the ropes." And Jeremiah did so.
13 So they pulled Jeremiah up with ropes and lifted him out of the dungeon. And Jeremiah remained in the court of the prison.
14 Then Zedekiah the king sent and had Jeremiah the prophet brought to him at the third entrance of the house of the Lord. And the king said to Jeremiah, "I will ask you something. Hide nothing from me."
15 Jeremiah said to Zedekiah, "If I declare it to you, will you not surely put me to death? And if I give you advice, you will not listen to me."
16 So Zedekiah the king swore secretly to Jeremiah, saying, "As the Lord lives, who made our very souls, I will not put you to death, nor will I give you into the hand of these men who seek your life."
17 Then Jeremiah said to Zedekiah, "Thus says the Lord, the God of hosts, the God of Israel: 'If you surely surrender to the king of Babylon's princes, then your soul shall live; this city shall not be burned with fire, and you and your house shall live.
18 But if you do not surrender to the king of Babylon's princes, then this city shall be given into the hand of the Chaldeans; they shall burn it with fire, and you shall not escape from their hand.' "
19 And Zedekiah the king said to Jeremiah, "I am afraid of the Jews who have defected to the Chaldeans, lest they deliver me into their hand, and they abuse me."
20 But Jeremiah said, "They shall not deliver you. Please, obey the voice of the Lord which I speak to you. So it shall be well with you, and your soul shall live.
21 But if you refuse to surrender, this is the word that the Lord has shown me:
22 'Now behold, all the women who are left in the king of Judah's house shall be surrendered to the king of Babylon's princes, and those women shall say: "Your close friends have set upon you And prevailed against you; Your feet have sunk in the mire, And they have turned away again."

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

Jeremias 38:12 E disse Ebede-Meleque, o etíope, a Jeremias: Poe agora estes trapos velhos e rotos, debaixo dos teus sovacos, entre os braços e as cordas. E Jeremias assim o fez.

English Standard Version ESV

Jeremiah 38:12 Then 1Ebed-melech the Ethiopian said to Jeremiah, "Put the rags and clothes between your armpits and 2the ropes." Jeremiah did so.

King James Version KJV

Jeremiah 38:12 And Ebedmelech the Ethiopian said unto Jeremiah, Put now these old cast clouts and rotten rags under thine armholes under the cords. And Jeremiah did so.

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

Jeremias 38:12 Ebede-Meleque, o etíope, disse a Jeremias: “Põe esses trapos e roupas velhas debaixo dos braços para servirem de almofada para as cordas”. E Jeremias assim fez.