10 "I will take up weeping and wailing for the mountains, and a lamentation for 1the pastures of the wilderness, 2because they are laid waste so that no one passes through, and the lowing of cattle is not heard; 3both the birds of the air and the beasts have fled and are gone.
11 4I will make Jerusalem a heap of ruins, 5a lair of jackals, 6and I will make the cities of Judah a desolation, without inhabitant."
12 7Who is the man so wise that he can understand this? To whom has the mouth of the LORD spoken, that he may declare it? Why is the land ruined 8and laid waste like a wilderness, so that no one passes through?
13 And the LORD says: 9"Because they have forsaken my law that I set before them, and have not obeyed my voice or walked in accord with it,
14 but 10have stubbornly followed their own hearts and have gone after the Baals, as their fathers taught them.
15 Therefore thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: 11Behold, I will feed this people with bitter food, and give them 12poisonous water to drink.
16 13I will scatter them among the nations 14whom neither they nor their fathers have known, and I will 15send the sword after them, until I have consumed them."
17 Thus says the LORD of hosts: 16"Consider, and call for the mourning women to come; send for the skillful women to come;
18 let them make haste 17and raise a wailing over us, 18that our eyes may run down with tears and our eyelids flow with water.
19 For a sound of wailing is heard from Zion: 19'How we are ruined! We are utterly shamed, because we have left the land, because they have cast down our dwellings.'"
20 Hear, O women, the word of the LORD, and let your ear receive the word of his mouth; teach to your daughters a lament, and each to her neighbor a dirge.

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

Jeremias 9:10 Pelos montes levantai choro e pranto, e pelas pastagens do deserto lamentação; porque já estão queimadas, de modo que ninguém passa por elas; nem se ouve mugido de gado; desde as aves dos céus até os animais, fugiram e se foram.

King James Version KJV

Jeremiah 9:10 For the mountains will I take up a weeping and wailing, and for the habitations of the wilderness a lamentation, because they are burned up, so that none can pass through them; neither can men hear the voice of the cattle; both the fowl of the heavens and the beast are fled; they are gone.

New King James Version NKJV

Jeremiah 9:10 I will take up a weeping and wailing for the mountains, And for the dwelling places of the wilderness a lamentation, Because they are burned up, So that no one can pass through; Nor can men hear the voice of the cattle. Both the birds of the heavens and the beasts have fled; They are gone.

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

Jeremias 9:10 Chorarei, prantearei e me lamentarei pelos montespor causa das pastagens da estepe;pois estão abandonadase ninguém mais as percorre.Não se ouve o mugir do gado;tanto as aves como os animais fugiram.