16 Or why was I not hidden like a stillborn child, Like infants who never saw light?
17 There the wicked cease from troubling, And there the weary are at rest.
18 There the prisoners rest together; They do not hear the voice of the oppressor.
19 The small and great are there, And the servant is free from his master.
20 "Why is light given to him who is in misery, And life to the bitter of soul,
21 Who long for death, but it does not come, And search for it more than hidden treasures;
22 Who rejoice exceedingly, And are glad when they can find the grave?
23 Why is light given to a man whose way is hidden, And whom God has hedged in?
24 For my sighing comes before I eat, And my groanings pour out like water.
25 For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, And what I dreaded has happened to me.
26 I am not at ease, nor am I quiet; I have no rest, for trouble comes."

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

Jó 3:16 ou, como aborto oculto, eu não teria existido, como as crianças que nunca viram a luz.

English Standard Version ESV

Job 3:16 Or why was I not as a hidden stillborn child, as infants who never see the light?

King James Version KJV

Job 3:16 Or as an hidden untimely birth I had not been; as infants which never saw light.

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

Jó 3:16 Por que não me sepultaram como criança abortada,como um bebê que nunca viu a luz do dia?