22 The priest from among his sons, who is anointed in his place, shall offer it. It is a statute forever to the Lord. It shall be wholly burned.
23 For every grain offering for the priest shall be wholly burned. It shall not be eaten."
24 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
25 "Speak to Aaron and to his sons, saying, 'This is the law of the sin offering: In the place where the burnt offering is killed, the sin offering shall be killed before the Lord. It is most holy.
26 The priest who offers it for sin shall eat it. In a holy place it shall be eaten, in the court of the tabernacle of meeting.
27 Everyone who touches its flesh must be holy. a And when its blood is sprinkled on any garment, you shall wash that on which it was sprinkled, in a holy place.
28 But the earthen vessel in which it is boiled shall be broken. And if it is boiled in a bronze pot, it shall be both scoured and rinsed in water.
29 All the males among the priests may eat it. It is most holy.
30 But no sin offering from which any of the blood is brought into the tabernacle of meeting, to make atonement in the holy place, b shall be eaten. It shall be burned in the fire.

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

Levítico 6:22 Também o sacerdote que, de entre seus filhos, for ungido em seu lugar, a oferecerá; por estatuto perpétuo será ela toda queimada ao Senhor.

English Standard Version ESV

Leviticus 6:22 The priest from among Aaron's sons, who is anointed to succeed him, shall offer it to the LORD as decreed forever. The whole of it shall be burned.

King James Version KJV

Leviticus 6:22 And the priest of his sons that is anointed in his stead shall offer it: it is a statute for ever unto the LORD; it shall be wholly burnt.

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

Levítico 6:22 Todo sacerdote ungido, dos descendentes de Arão, também preparará essa oferta. É a porção do SENHOR por decreto perpétuo e será totalmente queimada.