1 Then the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:
2 "Take a census of the sons of Kohath from among the children of Levi, by their families, by their fathers' house,
3 from thirty years old and above, even to fifty years old, all who enter the service to do the work in the tabernacle of meeting.
4 "This is the service of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of meeting, relating to the most holy things:
5 When the camp prepares to journey, Aaron and his sons shall come, and they shall take down the covering veil and cover the ark of the Testimony with it.
6 Then they shall put on it a covering of badger skins, and spread over that a cloth entirely of blue; and they shall insert its poles.

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

Números 4:1 Disse mais o Senhor a Moisés e a Arão:

English Standard Version ESV

Numbers 4:1 The LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying,

King James Version KJV

Numbers 4:1 And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying,

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

Números 4:1 Disse o SENHOR a Moisés e a Arão: