27 They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, And are at their wits' end.
28 Then they cry out to the Lord in their trouble, And He brings them out of their distresses.
29 He calms the storm, So that its waves are still.
30 Then they are glad because they are quiet; So He guides them to their desired haven.
31 Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, And for His wonderful works to the children of men!
32 Let them exalt Him also in the assembly of the people, And praise Him in the company of the elders.
33 He turns rivers into a wilderness, And the watersprings into dry ground;
34 A fruitful land into barrenness, For the wickedness of those who dwell in it.
35 He turns a wilderness into pools of water, And dry land into watersprings.
36 There He makes the hungry dwell, That they may establish a city for a dwelling place,
37 And sow fields and plant vineyards, That they may yield a fruitful harvest.

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

Salmos 107:27 Balançam e cambaleiam como ébrios, e perdem todo o tino.

English Standard Version ESV

Psalm 107:27 they reeled and staggered like drunken men and were at their wits' end.

King James Version KJV

Psalm 107:27 They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wits' end.

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

Salmos 107:27 Cambaleavam, tontos como bêbados,e toda a sua habilidade foi inútil.