12 From the brightness before Him, His thick clouds passed with hailstones and coals of fire.
13 The Lord thundered from heaven, And the Most High uttered His voice, Hailstones and coals of fire.
14 He sent out His arrows and scattered the foe, Lightnings in abundance, and He vanquished them.
15 Then the channels of the sea were seen, The foundations of the world were uncovered At Your rebuke, O Lord, At the blast of the breath of Your nostrils.
16 He sent from above, He took me; He drew me out of many waters.
17 He delivered me from my strong enemy, From those who hated me, For they were too strong for me.
18 They confronted me in the day of my calamity, But the Lord was my support.
19 He also brought me out into a broad place; He delivered me because He delighted in me.
20 The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness; According to the cleanness of my hands He has recompensed me.
21 For I have kept the ways of the Lord, And have not wickedly departed from my God.
22 For all His judgments were before me, And I did not put away His statutes from me.

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

Salmos 18:12 Do resplendor da sua presença saíram, pelas suas espessas nuvens, saraiva e brasas de fogo.

English Standard Version ESV

Psalm 18:12 Out of the brightness before him 1hailstones and coals of fire broke through his clouds.

King James Version KJV

Psalm 18:12 At the brightness that was before him his thick clouds passed, hail stones and coals of fire.

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

Salmos 18:12 Com o fulgor da sua presençaas nuvens se desfizeram em granizo e raios,