Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

Gênesis 31:27 Por que fuizeste ocultamente, e me iludiste e não mo fizeste saber, para que eu te enviasse com alegria e com cânticos, ao som de tambores e de harpas;

English Standard Version ESV

Genesis 31:27 Why did you flee secretly and trick me, and did not tell me, so that I might have sent you away with mirth and songs, with tambourine and lyre?

King James Version KJV

Genesis 31:27 Wherefore didst thou flee away secretly, and steal away from me; and didst not tell me, that I might have sent thee away with mirth, and with songs, with tabret, and with harp?

New King James Version NKJV

Genesis 31:27 Why did you flee away secretly, and steal away from me, and not tell me; for I might have sent you away with joy and songs, with timbrel and harp?

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

Gênesis 31:27 Por que você me enganou, fugindo em segredo, sem avisar-me? Eu teria celebrado a sua partida com alegria e cantos, ao som dos tamborins e das harpas.