Rehoboam's Folly

1 1Rehoboam went to 2Shechem, for all Israel had come to Shechem to make him king.
2 And as soon as 3Jeroboam the son of Nebat heard of it (for 4he was still in Egypt, where he had fled from King Solomon), then Jeroboam returned froma Egypt.
3 And they sent and called him, and Jeroboam and all the assembly of Israel came and said to Rehoboam,
4 5"Your father made our yoke heavy. Now therefore lighten the hard service of your father and his heavy yoke on us, and we will serve you."
5 He said to them, 6"Go away for three days, then come again to me." So the people went away.
6 Then King Rehoboam took counsel with the old men, who had stood before Solomon his father while he was yet alive, saying, "How do you advise me to answer this people?"
7 And they said to him, "If you will be a servant to this people today and serve them, and speak good words to them when you answer them, then they will be your servants forever."
8 But he abandoned the counsel that the old men gave him and took counsel with the young men who had grown up with him and stood before him.
9 And he said to them, "What do you advise that we answer this people who have said to me, 'Lighten the yoke that your father put on us'?"
10 And the young men who had grown up with him said to him, "Thus shall you speak to this people who said to you, 'Your father made our yoke heavy, but you lighten it for us,' thus shall you say to them, 'My little finger is thicker than my father's thighs.
11 And now, whereas 7my father laid on you a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke. My father disciplined you with whips, but I will discipline you with scorpions.'"
12 So Jeroboam and all the people came to Rehoboam the third day, as the king said, 8"Come to me again the third day."
13 And the king answered the people harshly, and forsaking the counsel that the old men had given him,
14 he spoke to them according to the counsel of the young men, saying, 9"My father made your yoke heavy, but I will add to your yoke. My father disciplined you with whips, but I will discipline you with scorpions."
15 So the king did not listen to the people, for 10it was a turn of affairs brought about by the LORD that he might fulfill his word, which 11the LORD spoke by Ahijah the Shilonite to Jeroboam the son of Nebat.

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

1 Reis 12:1 Foi então Roboão para Siquém, porque todo o Israel se congregara ali para fazê-lo rei.

King James Version KJV

1 Kings 12:1 And Rehoboam went to Shechem: for all Israel were come to Shechem to make him king.

New King James Version NKJV

1 Kings 12:1 And Rehoboam went to Shechem, for all Israel had gone to Shechem to make him king.

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

1 Reis 12:1 Roboão foi a Siquém, onde todos os israelitas tinham se reunido para proclamá-lo rei.