30 just as I swore to you by the Lord God of Israel, saying, 'Assuredly Solomon your son shall be king after me, and he shall sit on my throne in my place,' so I certainly will do this day."
31 Then Bathsheba bowed with her face to the earth, and paid homage to the king, and said, "Let my lord King David live forever!"
32 And King David said, "Call to me Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada." So they came before the king.
33 The king also said to them, "Take with you the servants of your lord, and have Solomon my son ride on my own mule, and take him down to Gihon.
34 There let Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anoint him king over Israel; and blow the horn, and say, 'Long live King Solomon!'
35 Then you shall come up after him, and he shall come and sit on my throne, and he shall be king in my place. For I have appointed him to be ruler over Israel and Judah."
36 Benaiah the son of Jehoiada answered the king and said, "Amen! May the Lord God of my lord the king say so too.
37 As the Lord has been with my lord the king, even so may He be with Solomon, and make his throne greater than the throne of my lord King David."
38 So Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet, Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, the Cherethites, and the Pelethites went down and had Solomon ride on King David's mule, and took him to Gihon.
39 Then Zadok the priest took a horn of oil from the tabernacle and anointed Solomon. And they blew the horn, and all the people said, "Long live King Solomon!"
40 And all the people went up after him; and the people played the flutes and rejoiced with great joy, so that the earth seemed to split with their sound.

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

1 Reis 1:30 que, assim como te jurei pelo Senhor Deus de Israel, dizendo: Teu filho Salomão há de reinar depois de mim, e ele se assentará no meu trono, em meu lugar; assim mesmo o cumprirei hoje.

English Standard Version ESV

1 Kings 1:30 1as I swore to you by the LORD, the God of Israel, saying, 'Solomon your son shall reign after me, and he shall sit on my throne in my place,' even so will I do this day."

King James Version KJV

1 Kings 1:30 Even as I sware unto thee by the LORD God of Israel, saying, Assuredly Solomon thy son shall reign after me, and he shall sit upon my throne in my stead; even so will I certainly do this day.

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

1 Reis 1:30 que, sem dúvida, hoje mesmo vou executar o que jurei pelo SENHOR, o Deus de Israel. O meu filho Salomão me sucederá como rei e se assentará no meu trono em meu lugar”.