21 'Speak to the house of Israel, "Thus says the Lord God: 'Behold, I will profane My sanctuary, your arrogant boast, the desire of your eyes, the delight of your soul; and your sons and daughters whom you left behind shall fall by the sword.
22 And you shall do as I have done; you shall not cover your lips nor eat man's bread of sorrow.
23 Your turbans shall be on your heads and your sandals on your feet; you shall neither mourn nor weep, but you shall pine away in your iniquities and mourn with one another.
24 Thus Ezekiel is a sign to you; according to all that he has done you shall do; and when this comes, you shall know that I am the Lord God.' "
25 'And you, son of man--will it not be in the day when I take from them their stronghold, their joy and their glory, the desire of their eyes, and that on which they set their minds, their sons and their daughters:
26 on that day one who escapes will come to you to let you hear it with your ears;
27 on that day your mouth will be opened to him who has escaped; you shall speak and no longer be mute. Thus you will be a sign to them, and they shall know that I am the Lord.' "

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

Ezequiel 24:21 Dize � casa de Israel: Assim diz o Senhor Deus: Eis que eu profanarei o meu santuário, o orgulho do vosso poder, a delícia dos vossos olhos, e o desejo da vossa alma; e vossos filhos e vossas filhas, que deixastes, cairão � espada.

English Standard Version ESV

Ezekiel 24:21 'Say to the house of Israel, Thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I will profane my sanctuary, the pride of your power, the delight of your eyes, and the yearning of your soul, and your sons and your daughters whom you left behind shall fall by the sword.

King James Version KJV

Ezekiel 24:21 Speak unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will profane my sanctuary, the excellency of your strength, the desire of your eyes, and that which your soul pitieth; and your sons and your daughters whom ye have left shall fall by the sword.

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

Ezequiel 24:21 “Diga à nação de Israel: Assim diz o Soberano, o SENHOR: Estou a ponto de profanar o meu santuário, a fortaleza de que vocês se orgulham, o prazer dos seus olhos, o objeto da sua afeição. Os filhos e as filhas que vocês deixaram lá cairão à espada.