2 I would lead you and bring you Into the house of my mother, She who used to instruct me. I would cause you to drink of spiced wine, Of the juice of my pomegranate.
3 (To the Daughters of Jerusalem) His left hand is under my head, And his right hand embraces me.
4 I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, Do not stir up nor awaken love Until it pleases.
5 A Relative Who is this coming up from the wilderness, Leaning upon her beloved? I awakened you under the apple tree. There your mother brought you forth; There she who bore you brought you forth.
6 The Shulamite to Her Beloved Set me as a seal upon your heart, As a seal upon your arm; For love is as strong as death, Jealousy as cruel as the grave; Its flames are flames of fire, A most vehement flame.
7 Many waters cannot quench love, Nor can the floods drown it. If a man would give for love All the wealth of his house, It would be utterly despised.
8 The Shulamite's Brothers We have a little sister, And she has no breasts. What shall we do for our sister In the day when she is spoken for?
9 If she is a wall, We will build upon her A battlement of silver; And if she is a door, We will enclose her With boards of cedar.
10 The Shulamite I am a wall, And my breasts like towers; Then I became in his eyes As one who found peace.
11 Solomon had a vineyard at Baal Hamon; He leased the vineyard to keepers; Everyone was to bring for its fruit A thousand silver coins.
12 (To Solomon) My own vineyard is before me. You, O Solomon, may have a thousand, And those who tend its fruit two hundred.

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

Cantares de Salomâo 8:2 Eu te levaria e te introduziria na casa de minha mãe, e tu me instruirias; eu te daria a beber vinho aromático, o mosto das minhas romãs.

English Standard Version ESV

Song of Solomon 8:2 I would lead you and bring you into the house of my mother-- she who used to teach me. I would give you spiced wine to drink, the juice of my pomegranate.

King James Version KJV

Song of Solomon 8:2 I would lead thee, and bring thee into my mother's house, who would instruct me: I would cause thee to drink of spiced wine of the juice of my pomegranate.

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

Cantares de Salomâo 8:2 Eu o conduziriae o traria à casa de minha mãe,e você me ensinaria.Eu daria a você vinho aromatizado para beber,o néctar das minhas romãs.