Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

1 Samuel 26:14 E gritou para o exército e para Abner, filho de Ner: “Você não vai me responder, Abner?”Abner respondeu: “Quem é que está gritando para o rei?”

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

1 Samuel 26:14 E Davi bradou ao povo, e a Abner, filho de Ner, dizendo: Não responderás, Abner? Então Abner respondeu e disse: Quem és tu, que bradas ao rei?

English Standard Version ESV

1 Samuel 26:14 And David called to the army, and to Abner the son of Ner, saying, "Will you not answer, Abner?" Then Abner answered, "Who are you who calls to the king?"

King James Version KJV

1 Samuel 26:14 And David cried to the people, and to Abner the son of Ner, saying, Answerest thou not, Abner? Then Abner answered and said, Who art thou that criest to the king?

New King James Version NKJV

1 Samuel 26:14 And David called out to the people and to Abner the son of Ner, saying, "Do you not answer, Abner?" Then Abner answered and said, "Who are you, calling out to the king?"