Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

2 Crônicas 20:28 Entraram em Jerusalém e foram ao templo do SENHOR, ao som de liras, harpas e cornetas.

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

2 Crônicas 20:28 Vieram, pois, a Jerusalém com alaúdes, com harpas e com trombetas, para a casa do Senhor.

English Standard Version ESV

2 Chronicles 20:28 They came to Jerusalem with harps and lyres and trumpets, to the house of the LORD.

King James Version KJV

2 Chronicles 20:28 And they came to Jerusalem with psalteries and harps and trumpets unto the house of the LORD.

New King James Version NKJV

2 Chronicles 20:28 So they came to Jerusalem, with stringed instruments and harps and trumpets, to the house of the Lord.