Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

2 Samuel 15:11 Absalão levou duzentos homens de Jerusalém. Eles tinham sido convidados e nada sabiam nem suspeitavam do que estava acontecendo.

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

2 Samuel 15:11 E de Jerusalém foram com Absalão duzentos homens que tinham sido convidados; mas iam na sua simplicidade, pois nada sabiam daquele desígnio.

English Standard Version ESV

2 Samuel 15:11 With Absalom went two hundred men from Jerusalem who were invited guests, and they went in their innocence and knew nothing.

King James Version KJV

2 Samuel 15:11 And with Absalom went two hundred men out of Jerusalem, that were called; and they went in their simplicity, and they knew not any thing.

New King James Version NKJV

2 Samuel 15:11 And with Absalom went two hundred men invited from Jerusalem, and they went along innocently and did not know anything.