Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

1 Reis 7:27 Fez também as dez bases de bronze; cada uma tinha quatro côvados de comprimento, quatro de largura e três de altura.

English Standard Version ESV

1 Kings 7:27 He also made the 1ten stands of bronze. Each stand was four cubits long, four cubits wide, and three cubits high.

King James Version KJV

1 Kings 7:27 And he made ten bases of brass; four cubits was the length of one base, and four cubits the breadth thereof, and three cubits the height of it.

New King James Version NKJV

1 Kings 7:27 He also made ten carts of bronze; four cubits was the length of each cart, four cubits its width, and three cubits its height.

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

1 Reis 7:27 Também fez dez carrinhos de bronze; cada um tinha um metro e oitenta centímetros de comprimento e de largura, e um metro e trinta e cinco centímetros de altura.