2 Samuel 2:16
E cada um lançou mão da cabeça de seu contendor, e meteu-lhe a espada pela ilharga; assim caíram juntos; pelo que se chamou �quele lugar, que está junto a Gibeão, Helcate-Hazurim.
English Standard Version ESV
2 Samuel 2:16
And each caught his opponent by the head and thrust his sword in his opponent's side, so they fell down together. Therefore that place was called Helkath-hazzurim, which is at Gibeon.
2 Samuel 2:16
And each one grasped his opponent by the head and thrust his sword in his opponent's side; so they fell down together. Therefore that place was called the Field of Sharp Swords, which is in Gibeon.
Nova Versão Internacional NVIP
2 Samuel 2:16
Cada soldado pegou o adversário pela cabeça e fincou-lhe o punhal no lado, e juntos caíram mortos. Por isso aquele lugar, situado em Gibeom, foi chamado Helcate-Hazurim.