Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

Gênesis 24:51 Eis que Rebeca está diante de ti, toma-a e vai-te; seja ela a mulher do filho de teu senhor, como tem dito o Senhor.

English Standard Version ESV

Genesis 24:51 Behold, Rebekah is before you; take her and go, and let her be the wife of your master's son, as the LORD has spoken."

King James Version KJV

Genesis 24:51 Behold, Rebekah is before thee, take her, and go, and let her be thy master's son's wife, as the LORD hath spoken.

New King James Version NKJV

Genesis 24:51 Here is Rebekah before you; take her and go, and let her be your master's son's wife, as the Lord has spoken."

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

Gênesis 24:51 Aqui está Rebeca; leve-a com você e que ela se torne a mulher do filho do seu senhor, como disse o SENHOR”.