Esdras 4:20
Jerusalém teve reis poderosos que governaram toda a região a oeste do Eufrates, aos quais se pagavam impostos, tributos e taxas.
Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA
Esdras 4:20
E tem havido reis poderosos sobre Jerusalém, os quais dominavam igualmente toda a província dalém do Rio; e a eles se pagavam tributos, impostos e pedágio.
English Standard Version ESV
Ezra 4:20
And mighty kings have been over Jerusalem, 1who ruled over the whole province Beyond the River, to whom 2tribute, custom, and toll were paid.
Ezra 4:20
There have also been mighty kings over Jerusalem, who have ruled over all the region beyond the River; and tax, tribute, and custom were paid to them.