English Standard Version ESV

Genesis 45:13 You must tell my father of all my honor in Egypt, and of all that you have seen. Hurry and 1bring my father down here."

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

Gênesis 45:13 Fareis, pois, saber a meu pai toda a minha glória no Egito; e tudo o que tendes visto; e apressar-vos-eis a fazer descer meu pai para cá.

King James Version KJV

Genesis 45:13 And ye shall tell my father of all my glory in Egypt, and of all that ye have seen; and ye shall haste and bring down my father hither.

New King James Version NKJV

Genesis 45:13 So you shall tell my father of all my glory in Egypt, and of all that you have seen; and you shall hurry and bring my father down here."

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

Gênesis 45:13 Contem a meu pai quanta honra me prestam no Egito e tudo o que vocês mesmos testemunharam. E tragam meu pai para cá depressa”.