English Standard Version ESV

Haggai 2:12 'If someone carries 1holy meat in the fold of his garment and touches with his fold bread or stew or wine or oil or any kind of food, does it become holy?'" The priests answered and said, 2"No."

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

Ageu 2:12 Se alguém levar na aba de suas vestes carne santa, e com a sua aba tocar no pão, ou no guisado, ou no vinho, ou no azeite, ou em qualquer outro mantimento, ficará este santificado? E os sacerdotes responderam: Não.

King James Version KJV

Haggai 2:12 If one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and with his skirt do touch bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or any meat, shall it be holy? And the priests answered and said, No.

New King James Version NKJV

Haggai 2:12 If one carries holy meat in the fold of his garment, and with the edge he touches bread or stew, wine or oil, or any food, will it become holy?" ' " Then the priests answered and said, "No."

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

Ageu 2:12 Se alguém levar carne consagrada na borda de suas vestes e com elas tocar num pão, ou em algo cozido, ou em vinho, ou em azeite ou em qualquer comida, isso ficará consagrado?” Os sacerdotes responderam: “Não”.