English Standard Version ESV

Numbers 14:36 1And the men whom Moses sent to spy out the land, who returned and made all the congregation grumble against him by bringing up a bad report about the land--

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

Números 14:36 Ora, quanto aos homens que Moisés mandara a espiar a terra e que, voltando, fizeram murmurar toda a congregação contra ele, infamando a terra,

King James Version KJV

Numbers 14:36 And the men, which Moses sent to search the land, who returned, and made all the congregation to murmur against him, by bringing up a slander upon the land,

New King James Version NKJV

Numbers 14:36 Now the men whom Moses sent to spy out the land, who returned and made all the congregation complain against him by bringing a bad report of the land,

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

Números 14:36 Os homens enviados por Moisés em missão de reconhecimento daquela terra voltaram e fizeram toda a comunidade queixar-se contra ele ao espalharem um relatório negativo;