Ezequiel 12:12
“O príncipe deles porá a sua bagagem nos ombros ao entardecer e sairá por um buraco que será escavado no muro para ele passar. Ele cobrirá o rosto para que não possa ver nada do país.
Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA
Ezequiel 12:12
E o príncipe que está no meio deles levará aos ombros os trastes, e �s escuras sairá; ele fará uma abertura na parede e sairá por ela; ele cobrirá o seu rosto, pois com os seus olhos não verá o chão.
English Standard Version ESV
Ezekiel 12:121And the prince who is among them shall lift his baggage upon his shoulder at dusk, and shall go out. 2They shall dig through the wall to bring him out through it. 3He shall cover his face, that he may not see the land with his eyes.
Ezekiel 12:12
And the prince who is among them shall bear his belongings on his shoulder at twilight and go out. They shall dig through the wall to carry them out through it. He shall cover his face, so that he cannot see the ground with his eyes.