2 Chronicles 12:3
with twelve hundred chariots, sixty thousand horsemen, and people without number who came with him out of Egypt--the Lubim and the Sukkiim and the Ethiopians.
Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA
2 Crônicas 12:3
com mil e duzentes carros e sessenta mil cavaleiros; era inumerável a gente que vinha com ele do Egito: líbios, suquitas e etíopes;
English Standard Version ESV
2 Chronicles 12:3
with 1,200 chariots and 60,000 horsemen. And the people were without number who came with him from Egypt--1Libyans, Sukkiim, and Ethiopians.
2 Crônicas 12:3
Com mil e duzentos carros de guerra, sessenta mil cavaleiros e um exército incontável de líbios, suquitas e etíopes que vieram do Egito com ele,