2 Kings 23:29
In his days Pharaoh Necho king of Egypt went to the aid of the king of Assyria, to the River Euphrates; and King Josiah went against him. And Pharaoh Necho killed him at Megiddo when he confronted him.
Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA
2 Reis 23:29
Nos seus dias subiu Faraó-Neco, rei do Egito, contra o rei da Assíria, ao rio Eufrates. E o rei Josias lhe foi ao encontro; e Faraó-Neco o matou em Megido, logo que o viu.
English Standard Version ESV
2 Kings 23:291In his days 2Pharaoh Neco king of Egypt went up to the king of Assyria to the river Euphrates. King Josiah went to meet him, and Pharaoh Neco killed him at 3Megiddo, as soon as he saw him.
2 Reis 23:29
Durante o seu reinado, o faraó Neco, rei do Egito, avançou até o rio Eufrates ao encontro do rei da Assíria. O rei Josias marchou para combatê-lo, mas o faraó Neco o enfrentou e o matou em Megido.