2 Kings 25:17
The height of one pillar was eighteen cubits, and the capital on it was of bronze. The height of the capital was three cubits, and the network and pomegranates all around the capital were all of bronze. The second pillar was the same, with a network.
Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA
2 Reis 25:17
A altura duma coluna era de dezoito côvados, e sobre ela havia um capitel de bronze, cuja altura era de três côvados; em redor do capitel havia uma rede e romãs, tudo de bronze; e semelhante a esta era a outra coluna com a rede.
English Standard Version ESV
2 Kings 25:17
The height of the one pillar was eighteen cubits, and on it was a capital of bronze. The height of the capital was three cubits. A latticework and pomegranates, all of bronze, were all around the capital. And the second pillar had the same, with the latticework.
2 Reis 25:17
Cada coluna tinha oito metros e dez centímetrosa de altura. O capitel de bronze no alto de cada coluna tinha um metro e trinta e cinco centímetros de altura e era decorado com uma fileira de romãs de bronze ao redor.