New King James Version NKJV

Esther 9:27 the Jews established and imposed it upon themselves and their descendants and all who would join them, that without fail they should celebrate these two days every year, according to the written instructions and according to the prescribed time,

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

Ester 9:27 os judeus concordaram e se comprometeram por si, sua descendência, e por todos os que haviam de unir-se com eles, a não deixarem de guardar estes dois dias, conforme o que se escreveras a respeito deles, e segundo o seu tempo determinado, todos os anos;

English Standard Version ESV

Esther 9:27 the Jews firmly obligated themselves and their offspring and 1all who joined them, that without fail they would keep 2these two days according to what was written and at the time appointed every year,

King James Version KJV

Esther 9:27 The Jews ordained, and took upon them, and upon their seed, and upon all such as joined themselves unto them, so as it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to their writing, and according to their appointed time every year*;

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

Ester 9:27 os judeus decidiram estabelecer o costume de que eles e os seus descendentes e todos os que se tornassem judeus não deixariam de comemorar anualmente esses dois dias, na forma prescrita e na data certa.