Ezekiel 16:17
You have also taken your beautiful jewelry from My gold and My silver, which I had given you, and made for yourself male images and played the harlot with them.
Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA
Ezequiel 16:17
Também tomaste as tuas belas jóias feitas do meu ouro e da minha prata que eu te havia dado, e te fizeste imagens de homens, e te prostituíste com elas;
English Standard Version ESV
Ezekiel 16:17
You also took 1your beautiful jewels of my gold and of my silver, which I had given you, and 2made for yourself images of men, and with them played the whore.
Ezequiel 16:17
Você apanhou as joias finas que eu tinha dado a você, joias feitas com meu ouro e minha prata, e fez para você mesma ídolos em forma de homem e se prostituiu com eles.