New King James Version NKJV

Jeremiah 34:22 Behold, I will command,' says the Lord, 'and cause them to return to this city. They will fight against it and take it and burn it with fire; and I will make the cities of Judah a desolation without inhabitant.' "

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

Jeremias 34:22 Eis que eu darei ordem, diz o Senhor, e os farei tornar a esta cidade, e pelejarão contra ela, e a tomarão, e a queimarão a fogo; e das cidades de Judá farei uma assolação, de sorte que ninguém habite nelas.

English Standard Version ESV

Jeremiah 34:22 Behold, I will command, declares the LORD, and will bring them back to this city. And they will fight against it and take it and burn it with fire. I will make the cities of Judah a desolation without inhabitant."

King James Version KJV

Jeremiah 34:22 Behold, I will command, saith the LORD, and cause them to return to this city; and they shall fight against it, and take it, and burn it with fire: and I will make the cities of Judah a desolation without an inhabitant.

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

Jeremias 34:22 Darei a ordem”, declara o SENHOR, “e os trarei de volta a esta cidade. Eles lutarão contra ela e vão conquistá-la e incendiá-la. Farei com que as cidades de Judá fiquem devastadas e desabitadas”.