New King James Version NKJV

Jeremiah 41:7 So it was, when they came into the midst of the city, that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah killed them and cast them into the midst of a pit, he and the men who were with him.

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

Jeremias 41:7 Chegando eles, porém, até o meio da cidade, Ismael, filho de Netanias, e os homens que estavam com ele mataram-nos e os lançaram num poço.

English Standard Version ESV

Jeremiah 41:7 When they came into the city, Ishmael the son of Nethaniah and the men with him slaughtered them and cast them into a cistern.

King James Version KJV

Jeremiah 41:7 And it was so, when they came into the midst of the city, that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah slew them, and cast them into the midst of the pit, he, and the men that were with him.

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

Jeremias 41:7 Quando entraram na cidade, Ismael, filho de Netanias, e os homens que estavam com ele os mataram e os atiraram numa cisterna.