New King James Version NKJV

Matthew 28:7 And go quickly and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead, and indeed He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him. Behold, I have told you."

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

Mateus 28:7 e ide depressa, e dizei aos seus discípulos que ressurgiu dos mortos; e eis que vai adiante de vós para a Galiléia; ali o vereis. Eis que vo-lo tenho dito.

English Standard Version ESV

Matthew 28:7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and behold, he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him. See, I have told you."

King James Version KJV

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

Mateus 28:7 Vão depressa e digam aos discípulos dele: Ele ressuscitou dentre os mortos e está indo adiante de vocês para a Galileia. Lá vocês o verão. Notem que eu já os avisei”.