24 And he bought the hill of Samaria from Shemer for two talents of silver; then he built on the hill, and called the name of the city which he built, Samaria, after the name of Shemer, owner of the hill.
25 Omri did evil in the eyes of the Lord, and did worse than all who were before him.
26 For he walked in all the ways of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, and in his sin by which he had made Israel sin, provoking the Lord God of Israel to anger with their idols.
27 Now the rest of the acts of Omri which he did, and the might that he showed, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel?
28 So Omri rested with his fathers and was buried in Samaria. Then Ahab his son reigned in his place.
29 In the thirty-eighth year of Asa king of Judah, Ahab the son of Omri became king over Israel; and Ahab the son of Omri reigned over Israel in Samaria twenty-two years.
30 Now Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the Lord, more than all who were before him.
31 And it came to pass, as though it had been a trivial thing for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, that he took as wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal, king of the Sidonians; and he went and served Baal and worshiped him.
32 Then he set up an altar for Baal in the temple of Baal, which he had built in Samaria.
33 And Ahab made a wooden image. Ahab did more to provoke the Lord God of Israel to anger than all the kings of Israel who were before him.
34 In his days Hiel of Bethel built Jericho. He laid its foundation with Abiram his firstborn, and with his youngest son Segub he set up its gates, according to the word of the Lord, which He had spoken through Joshua the son of Nun.

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

1 Reis 16:24 E de Semer comprou o outeiro de Samária por dois talentos de prata, e edificou nele; e chamou a cidade que edificou Samária, do nome de Semer, dono do outeiro.

English Standard Version ESV

1 Kings 16:24 He bought the hill of 1Samaria from Shemer for two talentsa of silver, and he fortified the hill and called the name of the city that he built 2Samaria, after the name of Shemer, the owner of the hill.

King James Version KJV

1 Kings 16:24 And he bought the hill Samaria of Shemer for two talents of silver, and built on the hill, and called the name of the city which he built, after the name of Shemer, owner of the hill, Samaria.

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

1 Reis 16:24 Por setenta quilos de prata ele comprou de Sêmer a colina de Samaria, onde construiu uma cidade, a qual chamou Samaria, por causa de Sêmer, o nome do antigo proprietário da colina.