Daniel's Faithfulness

8 But Daniel 1resolved that he would not 2defile himself with 3the king's food, or with 4the wine that he drank. Therefore he asked the chief of the eunuchs to allow him not to 5defile himself.
9 6And God gave Daniel favor and compassion in the sight of the chief of the eunuchs,
10 and the chief of the eunuchs said to Daniel, "I fear my lord the king, who assigned your food and your drink; for why should he see that you were in worse condition than the youths who are of your own age? So you would endanger my head with the king."
11 Then Daniel said to the steward whom the chief of the eunuchs had assigned over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah,
12 "Test your servants for 7ten days; let us be given vegetables to eat and water to drink.
13 Then let our appearance and the appearance of the youths who eat 8the king's food be observed by you, and deal with your servants according to what you see."
14 So he listened to them in this matter, and tested them for ten days.
15 At the end of ten days it was seen that they were better in appearance and fatter in flesh than all the youths who ate 9the king's food.
16 10So the steward took away their food and the wine they were to drink, and gave them 11vegetables.
17 As for these four youths, 12God gave them learning and 13skill in all literature and wisdom, and Daniel had 14understanding in all visions and dreams.
18 At the end of 15the time, when the king had commanded that they should be brought in, the chief of the eunuchs brought them in before Nebuchadnezzar.
19 And the king spoke with them, and among all of them none was found like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. Therefore 16they stood before the king.
20 And in every matter of wisdom and understanding about which the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all 17the magicians and 18enchanters that were in all his kingdom.
21 And Daniel 19was there until the first year of 20King Cyrus.

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

Daniel 1:8 Daniel, porém, propôs no seu coração não se contaminar com a porção das iguarias do rei, nem com o vinho que ele bebia; portanto pediu ao chefe dos eunucos que lhe concedesse não se contaminar.

King James Version KJV

Daniel 1:8 But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.

New King James Version NKJV

Daniel 1:8 But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's delicacies, nor with the wine which he drank; therefore he requested of the chief of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.

Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

Daniel 1:8 Daniel, contudo, decidiu não se tornar impuro com a comida e com o vinho do rei, e pediu ao chefe dos oficiais permissão para se abster deles.