Nova Versão Internacional NVIP

Salmos 104:13 Dos teus aposentos celestes regas os montes;sacia-se a terra com o fruto das tuas obras!

Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA

Salmos 104:13 Da tua alta morada regas os montes; a terra se farta do fruto das tuas obras.

English Standard Version ESV

Psalm 104:13 From your lofty abode you water the mountains; the earth is satisfied with the fruit of your work.

King James Version KJV

Psalm 104:13 He watereth the hills from his chambers: the earth is satisfied with the fruit of thy works.

New King James Version NKJV

Psalm 104:13 He waters the hills from His upper chambers; The earth is satisfied with the fruit of Your works.