Cantares de Salomâo 6:11
Desci ao jardim das nogueiras, para ver os renovos do vale, para ver se floresciam as vides e se as romanzeiras estavam em flor.
English Standard Version ESV
Song of Solomon 6:11
I went down to the nut orchard to look at 1the blossoms of the valley, 2to see whether the vines had budded, whether the pomegranates were in bloom.
Song of Solomon 6:11
The Shulamite I went down to the garden of nuts To see the verdure of the valley, To see whether the vine had budded And the pomegranates had bloomed.
Nova Versão Internacional NVIP
Cantares de Salomâo 6:11
Desci ao bosque das nogueiraspara ver os renovos no vale,para ver se as videiras tinham brotadoe se as romãs estavam em flor.