Jeremias 52:20
O bronze tirado das duas colunas, o mar e os doze touros de bronze debaixo dele, e os estrados móveis, que o rei Salomão fizera para o templo do SENHOR, eram mais do que se podia pesar.
Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese) AA
Jeremias 52:20
Quanto �s duas colunas, ao mar, e aos doze bois de bronze que estavam debaixo das bases, que fizera o rei Salomão para a casa do Senhor, o peso do bronze de todos estes vasos era incalculável.
English Standard Version ESV
Jeremiah 52:20
As for the two pillars, the one sea, 1the twelve bronze bulls that were under the sea,a and the stands, which Solomon the king had made for the house of the LORD, the bronze of all these things was beyond weight.
Jeremiah 52:20
The two pillars, one Sea, the twelve bronze bulls which were under it, and the carts, which King Solomon had made for the house of the Lord--the bronze of all these articles was beyond measure.